May 23, 2022
What is a ChemAlert Research Report?

Not all manufacturers have the resources or expertise to issue comprehensive, legislatively compliant SDS's. ChemAlert takes the next step, with independent research and reports.
ChemAlert Research Reports provide further detailed information which may not be available on the manufacturer’s SDS such as:
- Toxicological effects resulting from acute and/or chronic exposure to the product
- Toxicity data for the individual ingredients in the product
- Environmental impacts of the product to land, marine life and the atmosphere
- Exposure standards of ingredients in the product, in line with the AdoptedNational Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in theOccupational Environment [NOHSC:1003(1995)].
ChemAlert Research Reports also include a unique colour rating system and pictograms of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). These features ensure that simple and effective awareness of risks associated with a chemical product can be easily identified by all staff. ChemAlert Research Reports are available in three standard formats:
- Summary Report: provides a brief overview of the product covering health hazards, first aid, precautions and PPE
- Extended Summary Report: Is a customisable (Business Unit Preferences) report that by default provides information such as synonyms, ingredients, health hazards, precautions, PPE, first aid, safe handling, emergency procedures, safe handling, and physical and chemical properties of the product
- Full Report: provides information for the product in accordance with the format outlined in the Code of Practice for the Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals [May 2018].
When used in conjunction with the manufacturer’s SDS, ChemAlert Research Reports are an excellent tool in helping to ensure that workplace risks are minimised.